Today is international internet day!
Each year on the 29th of October is international internet day! Internet day commemorates the first electronic message being transmitted from one computer to another. In other words, a revolutionary moment in the history of technology and communication.
The first electronic message was sent by student programmer Charles S. Kline 52 years ago today at the University of California. The message was sent from an SDS Sigma 7 host computer to an SDS 940. The message sent was supposed to read ‘login’. However, Kline’s first attempt was unsuccessful leaving the letters ‘L’ and ‘O’ to be the only ones to appear… so the first message ever sent (actually) read ‘LO’. Eventually, an hour later Kline managed to transmit the full word ‘login’ intact. Success!
So now, 52 years later, this blog alone has the potential to reach anyone in the world. It is easy to forget how the internet has connected us to an incredible extent as we are able to communicate with anyone anywhere! The internet has transformed our way of living as it has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. It is no longer a tool for simple communication exchange, but a multidisciplinary tool that has enabled us to create content, communicate and form connections we otherwise would have never had the chance to do. It truly has revolutionised the way we connect and form relations.
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the internet has been our saving grace. We have relied on it to keep our businesses ticking and maintain a high morale (shoutout to the pet zoom calls!). As lockdown quickly became the norm, many businesses have ‘gone digital’ meaning the providing and purchasing of goods and services online has accelerated. The internet has never been more crucial in keeping our businesses alive.
As our freedom to go shopping came to a halt, E-commerce (electronic commerce) grew at an unprecedented rate. The use of E-commerce websites has enabled businesses to display an online catalogue of products for customers to view and buy from; therefore, making purchases more convenient for customers, increasing your businesses reach and it saves you time!
At Dexterous Designs we understand the power that an E-commerce website has on the success of your business. E-commerce enables businesses to grow in a way that’s more convenient and less costly. It is for that reason we take pride in creating high standard E-commerce websites so that your sales are maximised, and your customers are left totally satisfied.
We have many reasons to be grateful for the internet and the opportunities it offers. It has enabled us to connect and succeed in ways that, before now, wouldn’t have been possible. Happy international internet day!